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Smith Devereux

Smith vs Dev Box Set

Smith vs. Devereux is a secret, limited bottling of two handcrafted wines in a custom box that celebrates our friendship and partnership. We each snagged some of our favorite wine from barrels of the current vintage and worked in secret with an our winemaker, Brett Adams, to create what each of us believes to be the best possible blend.   

To keep things true to the nature of the project and to heighten the competitive fun, everything from barrel to label is done in the dark; no idea what the other was doing, and with a blind faith that the bottles would look darn good side by side in a Smith Devereux branded wood box. Only 25 cases exist and sets will be made to order.

Smith vs Devereux ships as a 2 pack: one bottle of Lions & Mice and one bottle of Swan Dive in a custom Smith Devereux wooden box. Only those who buy the set will be able to re-stock their box!

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